
Dry cinnamon leaf


Elevate your culinary creations and explore the world of herbal remedies with our Premium Dried Cinnamon Leaf. Embrace the sweet, warming embrace of cinnamon in its most natural form. Whether you’re a gourmet chef or an herbal enthusiast, these dried leaves are your ticket to a world of flavor and well-being. Elevate your dishes, savor the aroma, and indulge in the magic of cinnamon. Order your premium dried cinnamon leaves today and embark on a flavorful journey like no other.


Introducing Our Premium Dried Cinnamon Leaf – Nature’s Treasure for Culinary and Herbal Delights

Discover the aromatic allure and culinary wonders of our Premium Dried Cinnamon Leaf. Harvested from the Cinnamomum verum tree, these dried leaves encapsulate the essence of cinnamon in their delicate form. As you explore the depths of their flavor and aroma, you’ll find endless culinary and herbal possibilities awaiting your creativity.

Key Features:

  1. Pure and Untouched: Our dried cinnamon leaves are sourced from the highest quality Cinnamomum verum trees, ensuring purity and authenticity. They are free from additives, preservatives, or artificial flavor enhancers.
  2. Exceptional Aroma: Open a bag of our dried cinnamon leaves, and you’ll be greeted with an intoxicating, warm, and woody fragrance. Use them to infuse your recipes with the enchanting scent of cinnamon.
  3. Culinary Versatility: Enhance your cooking and baking with the subtle sweetness and earthy notes of cinnamon leaves. Perfect for curries, stews, desserts, teas, and more, these dried leaves add depth and character to your dishes.
  4. Herbal Magic: Beyond the kitchen, dried cinnamon leaves have been prized for their potential health benefits. Explore the world of herbal remedies and teas by incorporating these leaves into your wellness routine.
  5. Airtight Packaging: Our dried cinnamon leaves are carefully sealed in airtight packaging to preserve their freshness, aroma, and flavor. They are ready to elevate your culinary creations at any time.

Directions for Use:

For Culinary Delights:

  • Crush or crumble dried cinnamon leaves and add them to your favorite recipes, such as soups, stews, rice dishes, and baked goods, for a unique twist of cinnamon flavor.

For Herbal Infusions:

  • Steep dried cinnamon leaves in hot water to create a soothing and aromatic herbal tea. Experiment with combinations of herbs and spices for a custom herbal blend.


  • Keep in a cool, dry place away from direct sunlight and moisture to maintain the freshness of the leaves.

Additional information


100g, 200g, 300g


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